We provide a wide array of support services for 11 tenant commands, comprising United States Coast Guard and Department of Homeland Security operational units, United States Navy and United States Marine Corps Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection training commands, and United States Navy, United States Coast Guard and NATO strategic communication activities. Maintain and operate the largest small-arms range facilities in Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic.
Our Vision
We support our tenants, their families, and all military personnel in the Hampton Roads area, ensuring that they have access to superior recreational, dining, housing, pastoral, childcare, retail, counseling and health care services. Our goal is that Naval Support Activity Norfolk Northwest Annex will be a sought-after assignment for military and civilian personnel.
Guiding Principles
We are guided by the Navy’s Core Values: Honor, Courage, and Commitment.
We will care for our military and civilian personnel and their families by providing superior and affordable quality-of-life services.
We will support our tenant commands effectively and efficiently under any conditions, and at the lowest possible cost.
We are an integral part of our community and as responsible neighbors we will work with local agencies to ensure public trust, safety, and to protect individual health and the environment.