Environmental Director: 215-897-8048
EV Policy Ltr - Capt Thomas, April 29, 2022
NSA Mechanicsburg is leading the way for the Mid-Atlantic Region to reduce pollutants to the Chesapeake Bay. As part of our MS4 stormwater permit, we are mandated to reduce nitrogen, phosphorous and suspended sediment levels by installing Best Management Practices (BMP). Examples of BMPs include rain gardens, vegetated planters, sand filters, and bio-retention facilities. These BMPS filter pollutants out of the stormwater before it is discharged off our installation and ultimately to a waterway. Several recently awarded BMPS, including a two acre bio retention facility at the footprint of Bldg. 208, will reduce approximately 295 lbs of nitrogen, 5.7 lbs of phosphorous and 11,433 lbs of sediment annually.
For more information on stormwater, links to PADEP and EPA websites are listed here.
Thank you for doing your share to help protect our waterways!
NSA Mechanicsburg Water Quality Reports: Consumer Confidence