Naval Station Norfolk Office of Emergency Management can be reached at (757) 322-2320 or DSN 262-2320.
Naval Station Norfolk has an all-hazard Emergency Management Plan, NAVSTANORVAINST 3440.17A. Please call the number above if you desire a copy.
2025 Tenant Command HURREX Brief
Emergency Management Worksheet
Important phone numbers
To report an emergency on base: 444-3333
(Can also call 911 but will go to City of Norfolk dispatch vice base dispatch)
Emergency Dispatch (Non-Emergency) 444-2324
NAVSTA Norfolk Quarterdeck 322-2365/66 or 67
Command Duty Officer (Call NAVSTA QD)
Facility Operations Department
Naval Station Facility Operations Department is responsible for disaster preparation and recovery and base beautification. We operate crews, which constantly monitor the base for gear adrift and missile hazards. These crews are also responsible for ground maintenance actions and removing uncontained trash and garbage.
Facility Operations also operates a central tool issue room where commands may check out ground maintenance equipment for their own grounds beautification projects.
We also provide barrels and stanchions for use by commands to control traffic flow for special events such as change of commands, retirements, commissioning ceremonies and other events. Combined, these efforts saved the U.S. Navy more than $3 million in contract labor costs for FY05.
Finally, Facility Operations integrates with the Self Help and Seabee details preparing Naval Station for destructive weather and coordinating associated recovery operations, as well as running minor facility improvement projects for tenant commands. Some of these functions include providing sand to the piers in winter, maintaining snow shovels for commands to clear their entranceways/sidewalks and operating sandbag distribution points for incidents where flooding is expected. During natural disaster’s Facility Operations maintains 24/7 service of operations.
Facility Operations is located near Gate 4, off Bellinger Boulevard, in building SP-123. Our working hours are M-F, 0600-1500. Duty section personnel are on call 24 hours a day to respond to emergencies and handle weekend concerns. The Naval Station Special Operations quarterdeck can be reached at (757) 444-2275, DSN is 564-2275. Emergencies after hours or after hour check-ins can contact the Facility Operations Department via the Naval Station Norfolk quarterdeck at (757)322-2365/66 or 67