1390 Simonpietri Drive
Naval Station Newport
Newport, RI 02841
Facility Manager: 401-341-2512
1st Bn/ARCD: 401-341-2596
2nd Bde, 75th: 401-341-2577
443rd CA: 401-341-2503
2 Bn/417th Regt: 401-341-2505
327th Med Co: 401-341-2578
Website: www.usar.army.mil/Featured/Ambassador-Program/Find-an-Ambassador/Rhode-Island
2nd Brigade, 75th Training Command
Phone: 401-341-2512
The 75th Training Command (75th TC) provides training for commanders and their staffs at battalion and brigade echelons of command. The 75th TC conducts predeployment training for all Army Component Forces at Home Station, Maneuver Training Centers and Battle Command Training Centers in support of Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN), utilizing skilled and professional observer controller/trainers.
Conducting structured and doctrinally correct military decision-making process seminars, command post and mission readiness exercises for active and Reserve Component forces, the 75th serves as the Army’s premier training command.
Detachment 1, 2nd Battalion, 417th Regiment, 4th BCT, 98th Division (Institutional Training), 108th Training Command
Phone: 401-341-2505
The 108th Training Command’s mission is to provide highly professional, trained and ready drill sergeants, instructors, cadre and units to conduct initial military training and leader training to support U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command and the U.S. Army Accessions Command in training, advising and assisting joint, multicomponent and multinational forces. The 108th Training Command is the sole nationwide Reserve command for initial military training, representing half the total basic training capacity of the U.S. Army.
Its goal as the premier U.S. Army Reserve training organization is to furnish both operational and strategic capabilities to the U.S. Army as the force provider of units employed in accordance with ARFORGEN in support of initial military training, and as required, units and Soldiers to train, advise and assist any service, multicomponent, interagency or multinational organization in both CONUS training missions or OCONUS stability operations at any place at any time.
Its success is built on a foundation of shared values and commitment to excellence — it is a customer-driven organization focused on creating value for its customers, partners and stakeholders. It values its employees, families, civilian employers and volunteers and the services they all provide to the organization and the country. It is a learning organization that fosters an environment for innovation, empowerment and development, agile and focused on the future, and its visionary leadership emphasizes innovation within a systems framework for performance excellence.
The 443rd Civil Affairs Battalion, 353rd Civil Affairs Command, U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (Airborne)
Phone: 401-341-2537
The U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (Airborne) (USACAPOC[A]) mission is to organize, train, equip and resource Army Reserve Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations forces for worldwide support to regional combatant commanders and other agencies, as directed.
Its vision is to provide the nation with an expeditionary, campaign-quality civil affairs and military information support operations force, fully mission-capable across the spectrum of military operations.
Civil affairs (CA) units help military commanders by working with civil authorities and civilian populations in the commander’s area of operations to lessen the impact of military operations on them during peace, contingency operations and declared war. CA forces support activities of conventional commanders, and do so in the Reserve CA as a unique blend of Army, Navy and Air Force personnel.
Ninety-four percent of the Department of Defense’s CA forces are found in the Reserve CA ranks — four civil affairs commands, seven subordinate brigades and 28 battalions. They are a prime source of skills necessary to help a nation rebuild following conflict and improve services for its people in times of peace.
CA units include Soldiers with training and experience in public administration, public safety and health, legal systems, labor management, public welfare, finance and education, civil defense, public works and utilities, public communications and transportation, logistics, food and agricultural services, economics, property control, cultural affairs, civil information and management of dislocated persons.
CA specialists can quickly and systematically identify critical needs of local citizens in war or disaster. They can also locate civil resources to support military operations, help minimize civilian interference, support national assistance activities, plan and carry out noncombatant evacuation, support counterdrug operations and establish and maintain liaisons or dialogue with civilian aid agencies and other nongovernmental organizations.