With the release of Navy’s Culture of Excellence 2.0, it is important to emphasize the valuable resources available to support the health and well-being of our Sailors.
Mental health continues to be an area that requires command-level attention. Commanding Officers must set the conditions for their people to succeed, establish a climate that eliminates stigma for seeking mental health care, and be aware of available prevention resources. The end goal is that everyone in a command has a shared understanding of how our people conduct preventive maintenance on their mental health as well as where to go for additional resources in a time of need.
The attached Mental Health Playbook V1.1 continues to be a single location for Commanding Officers and Khaki leaders to identify methods for prevention as well as response to mental health needs. I need all of our commanders to be well-versed in the actions from this playbook. Subordinates need to be equally aware of the preventive resources that build healthy and resilient Sailors.
Creating a positive environment for mental health is a 365-day, 24/7 challenge for leadership.